Thursday, July 3, 2014

Watermelon keeps us cool...

With the expected 100+ degree temperature approaching us in Texas, this momma is getting her watermelon on. Ohhh that deliciously sweet treat that is even better when cold but... what a pain it is to cut it. Wanna know how I get those perfect squares of sweet nectar? Well here is my "Perfectly Cut Watermelon" tutorial!

 Cut your melon in half. I prefer using my larger cutting board that has a little trench around the perimeter to help reduce my clean up by capturing the juices.
Cut the melon into fourths.
 Lay the melon on its side and cut slits in it like shown in the photo! My goodness... Im ready to dig into this melon.
Flip to the other open side of the melon and repeat the step you did before.
Lay the melon on its rind and make cuts like so...
Cut along the rind on both sides. I basically cut along the rind on one side, flip the melon and do the same thing on the other side.
This is what the melon looks like once all the slicing has been done.
Flip the melon over and viola... all done! It just pours out in nice, square chunks!
Here is what the rind looks like all empty. Now take a second from all of your hard work and sneak yourself a piece, or two, or three.... YUM!!!
I usually end up dumping the rinds in the sink facing down and let them drain before tossing them!
Hope you found this useful! Love to hear from you if there is another way you like to cut up your melons!