Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Math  Charts in the Classroom
Here are a few of the math charts that I have hung up around the room to keep the kids fresh on what we have learned. The first is a place value poster. In Texas, 3rd graders are expected to learn to 999,999. Now, since this is such a big jump from 2nd grade, my kiddos often get confused on the place values after the hundreds place. 
After teaching addition and subtraction we dive right into multiplication, followed by division. Below are 2 posters that students use when solving those types of problems. We imphasize to our kiddos that it does not matter which way they use to solve the problem as long as the choose a way the are comfortable with.
Recently, we just finished up learning abotu fractions. We first had to review numerator and denominator. We taught the kiddos a fun way to remember it. They stretch out their arms to make the fraction bar then "Nod their Numerator" (head), and lastly, Dance their Denominator (bottom). Gett it N=numerator and nod, and D=dance and denominator!
Once that concept is down we moved equivalent and comparing fractions. Whew, is that a tough one for them. I'd love to hear from yall about what you use that has been succesful when it comes to teaching about those!
Next, we moved onto clock fractions. That was fun. Each student was given 3 big clocks. First we talked about what a whole clock was (60 minutes) and recorded it on the first clock. Next, we folded the 2nd clock in half and talked about what that meant and recorded it on each half (1/2 clock=30 minutes, when the minute hand points to the 6 we say "half past".) Finally, we took the last clock, folded it into fourths, talked about it and recorded on each fourth (1/4=15 minutes, quarter past, quarter til)
Lastly, for this unit we talked about fracions on a ruler. Again this was another doozie for the kiddos, but we got through it and I think they got it for the most part. Obvisously more review is needed!


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