Friday, October 31, 2014

Halloween 2014

      This year's Halloween will be a whole other story! With Ryan walking and full of personality, we plan to hit the streets and get us some candy! This year Ryan transformed into "Ryan the Lion"! Eek... isn't he precious!

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Watermelon keeps us cool...

With the expected 100+ degree temperature approaching us in Texas, this momma is getting her watermelon on. Ohhh that deliciously sweet treat that is even better when cold but... what a pain it is to cut it. Wanna know how I get those perfect squares of sweet nectar? Well here is my "Perfectly Cut Watermelon" tutorial!

 Cut your melon in half. I prefer using my larger cutting board that has a little trench around the perimeter to help reduce my clean up by capturing the juices.
Cut the melon into fourths.
 Lay the melon on its side and cut slits in it like shown in the photo! My goodness... Im ready to dig into this melon.
Flip to the other open side of the melon and repeat the step you did before.
Lay the melon on its rind and make cuts like so...
Cut along the rind on both sides. I basically cut along the rind on one side, flip the melon and do the same thing on the other side.
This is what the melon looks like once all the slicing has been done.
Flip the melon over and viola... all done! It just pours out in nice, square chunks!
Here is what the rind looks like all empty. Now take a second from all of your hard work and sneak yourself a piece, or two, or three.... YUM!!!
I usually end up dumping the rinds in the sink facing down and let them drain before tossing them!
Hope you found this useful! Love to hear from you if there is another way you like to cut up your melons! 

Monday, May 12, 2014

Dots on Turquoise Themed Classroom Pack

When I came across the Dots on Turquoise themed border years ago for my classroom, I automatically fell in love with the theme and its colors. Once I had the border displayed in my classroom, I noticed that I needed more... so that's when I decided to make it myself since I couldn't find it in the store.

Follow my blog to stay up to date on new products that I add!

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Western/Cowboy Themed Classroom Setup

I did it again! I have created another complete classroom setup pack. This setup up is for those Southern Folks at heart that love decorating in a Western/Cowboy themed classroom!
(this is similar to the schedule in the classroom pack but a bit different)

Monday, April 28, 2014

Camping themed classroom decor

Just got done putting the finishing touches on my latest Classroom Themed Pack. If camping is your classroom theme, then you gotta check this out. All items can be purchased in my TpT store.

           My students used a chart similar (different theme) in my classroom. Each student was given a classroom number (1-20ish) at the beginning of the year and each student was also given a clothespin with their classroom number on it. Each student starts the day on a fresh start... aka "ready to go" and move their clip according to their day. I am a firm believer that everyone deserves a 2nd chance and that is why they always start on "ready to learn" each day. Depending on their actions for the day, students can move up or down. If, at the end of the day they ended the day on "Outstanding", they would get a sticker on their clothespin. After 3 stickers (=3 days of being on outstanding... doesn't have to be 3 days in a row), students get to choose from one of my rewards cards.
           After choosing their reward at the end of the day (which they will get to use the next day) the student would take their 3 stickers off and take them home or put them on their daily folder which was a pretty popular thing to do. I would then have my daily behavior chart helper, move all the clips at the end of the day back to "ready to learn" so that everyone starts fresh the next day.


Friday, April 25, 2014

Hungry Caterpillar Themed Classroom Decor

Alright ladies... here is the latest creation! If you love Erik Carle's Hungry Caterpillar and want your classroom to reflect this bright and fun theme then here ya go!



Monday, April 21, 2014

Bountiful Baskets... Keepin things healthy

Have you heard about Bountiful Baskets? If not... then you should check it out! I was introduced to Bountiful Baskets by a lovely, lovely friend! It keeps fresh fruits and veggies in our fridge as well as keeps my interest with the occasional new thing to try. When I explain it to my friends I say its 90% of the normal fruits and veggies we like and 10% new things we have never tried before.
So here's the details:

(This week I got for $15: 5 tomatoes, 7 apples, 2 large lemons, a handful of rainbow carrots, 2 cucumbers, 3 butternut squash, 1 bundle of kale, 4 ears of corn, 1 seedless watermelon) is the website you need to visit. Once there, create a free membership, choose your location and see when you can order. I can order every 2 weeks on a Tuesday and then I pick up at their location on Saturday morning.
When you go to pick up your items you will need to bring 2 bags. I use my reusable grocery bags. If you purchase their conventional basket you will use your bags but if you purchase their organic basket for an additional $10 it will come in a box itself. I have only received the conventional basket so I can not tell you much about the organic one.
The conventional basket id $15 and the organic one is $25. With your first time purchase you will have to pay an additional $3 so they can purchase baskets to divide your goodies in.
In addition to their conventional basket and organic baskets, they have yummy add-ons! From bread to 20 lbs of pears, it all depends on what they have. Lastly, they ask that you volunteer every 6ish times that you participate.
Check out the website and they can give you more information! My family absolutely loves this program especially since the value is worth what you get! Just to let you know, I got 20lbs of pears for my little one that I will puree and that only cost me $15.50! At our local grocery store, I typically purchase 1 lb for $3.... so pretty much Bountiful Baskets hooked me up!
Have you experience with Bountiful Baskets? What do you think about it?!?

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Did it Work?

For this "Did it Work?" I am giving the evil eye to my Avalon cookie sheet. This thing has been around for 3 years, is nice and sturdy but is now stained with ugliness (aka baked on grease).

After doing a little pinterest searching, I kept coming across a "baking soda and peroxide" mixture that supposedly gets rid of the ugliness of baked on grease. Excited to clean things up, I created the mixture.

Here is the pan and its ugliness 
 And the items used to clean it. I mixed these together till it created a paste.
I let the paste sit....
I scrubbed my life away...
 And here is the result. Waa Waa :(

 As you can tell... nothing changed. Any suggestions on other things I can try to bring it back to its glory!?

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

All about light!

Transparent, Translucent and Opaque... OH MY! When teaching this concept to my students they often got confused... and I cant blame them because I was confused too at their age.

When creating this 19 page pack I wanted to take into consideration students and their learning style. This pack meets the needs of that. From group work to independent work, artistic to physical and musical, all of your personalities are sure to be covered!
Click here to purchase this pack.

This pack includes:
KWL chart

Transparency Song
Transparent/Translucent/Opaque Game
2 Worksheets 
 Click here to purchase this pack.
Hope you enjoy this pack! What fun things do you do in your class to help students grasp these concepts?

Monday, April 14, 2014

Bird Themed Classroom Decor Pack

Here's another one for you! I just love making these things! If you've got a bird themed classroom that includes colors that are not pastel or bright and more "earthly" colors... Than this is for you!

Click here to visit my TpT store
Here is the details:

This packet contains a total of 124 pages worth of goodies.
In your purchase you will receive:
3 sets of classroom table signs (2 circle and 1 rectangular)
48 supply tags to keep you organized (36 premade and 12 blanks- in 2 colors)
A "Who Knows the Time?" Clock Display with 2 sets of colored numbers.
12 Months Names
Day numbers (1-31, in 4 different colors, mix and match or keep to the same color).
Calendar Day Tags ( in 2 colors and 2 sizes)
Set of "Where Are We" Class Location cards (8 premade, 4 blanks)
Class Schedule set (in 4 colors (15 premade cards, blanks)
Class/Floor/Cubby Student Numbers
Word Wall letters (consonants are solid colors and vowels are striped)
And much more!!!

Racecar Themed Classroom Set

Hey guys,
I am excited to bring you my most recent classroom décor pack. This pack is for those of you teachers who put the "Pedal to the Metal"! Here is the details on this pack! Full of goodies just for you. Also be on the look out for the ABC pack and behavior chart!
Click here to be taken to my TpT Store for this product!

In your purchase you will receive:
Classroom "Welcome Pennant" as well as blank Pennants
3 sets of classroom table signs (2 circle and 1 rectangular)
48 supply tags to keep you and your drawers/containers organized (36 premade and 12 blanks- in 2 colors)
Sharp and Not Sharp tags for your pencil containers
 A "Who Knows the Time?" Clock Display with 2 sets of colored numbers.
12 Months Names
Day numbers (1-31, in 4 different colors, mix and match or keep to the same color).
Today is, Tomorrow is, and Yesterday was Signs
Parent Contact Forms
Bulletin Board/White Board Signs (Homework, Morning Work, Missing Work, To Do, Extra Credit, Completed Work)
Calendar Day Tags ( in 2 colors and 2 sizes)
Set of "Where Are We" Class Location cards (8 premade, 4 blanks)
Class Schedule set (in 4 colors (15 premade cards, blanks)
Class/Floor/Cubby Student Numbers
Word Wall letters (consonants and vowels are different from each other)

Just Added: Don't forget your ABC chart for your classroom! Each one is large enough for even the furthest student to see.
Click here to purchase at my Tpt Store

Math Posters

It Really Worked Monday- Wood Scratches

Living in a older home has proven to me that anything can be made new again. My husband and I have lived in our house for almost 3 years and with every new day, I find something new that I can work on, organize, fix or improve. Today, I will be sharing with you something I am most excited about for 2 reasons:

1) It really works!!!!
2) It requires very little materials that are cheap and may already be in your house!

Our well lived in home has over the years, acquired some "love marks" on its wood surfaces. These surfaces include wood doors, wood paneling, wood cabinets, wood closet doors. After doing a little research, I came across a solution for these wood scratches.

Get ready for this... Vinegar and Olive Oil. Yep, that's right, equal parts of these 2 ingredients mixed in a jar can fix these "love marks".

First, get yourself a jar with a lid and pour equal parts of regular white vinegar and the cheapest olive oil (to save yourself some money). I combined a half cup of each, made it around the whole house and barely made a dent in the jar. I would recommend doing a forth cup of each and trying it in a small hidden area before committing to doing the whole house. One thing I did notice was places with scratches in thicker glossed wood pieces (window seals) did not fair as well but since a majority of the wood in our house has a thin layer of gloss I was able to make good use of it!

Here are some of the results:
(Under our breakfast bar)
 (The marks remaining are scuff marks only)
(Kitchen Cabinet) 
 Bathroom Door
(previous owners dogs did some damage to our doors)
Bathroom Cabinets