Monday, April 14, 2014

It Really Worked Monday- Wood Scratches

Living in a older home has proven to me that anything can be made new again. My husband and I have lived in our house for almost 3 years and with every new day, I find something new that I can work on, organize, fix or improve. Today, I will be sharing with you something I am most excited about for 2 reasons:

1) It really works!!!!
2) It requires very little materials that are cheap and may already be in your house!

Our well lived in home has over the years, acquired some "love marks" on its wood surfaces. These surfaces include wood doors, wood paneling, wood cabinets, wood closet doors. After doing a little research, I came across a solution for these wood scratches.

Get ready for this... Vinegar and Olive Oil. Yep, that's right, equal parts of these 2 ingredients mixed in a jar can fix these "love marks".

First, get yourself a jar with a lid and pour equal parts of regular white vinegar and the cheapest olive oil (to save yourself some money). I combined a half cup of each, made it around the whole house and barely made a dent in the jar. I would recommend doing a forth cup of each and trying it in a small hidden area before committing to doing the whole house. One thing I did notice was places with scratches in thicker glossed wood pieces (window seals) did not fair as well but since a majority of the wood in our house has a thin layer of gloss I was able to make good use of it!

Here are some of the results:
(Under our breakfast bar)
 (The marks remaining are scuff marks only)
(Kitchen Cabinet) 
 Bathroom Door
(previous owners dogs did some damage to our doors)
Bathroom Cabinets


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