Monday, April 21, 2014

Bountiful Baskets... Keepin things healthy

Have you heard about Bountiful Baskets? If not... then you should check it out! I was introduced to Bountiful Baskets by a lovely, lovely friend! It keeps fresh fruits and veggies in our fridge as well as keeps my interest with the occasional new thing to try. When I explain it to my friends I say its 90% of the normal fruits and veggies we like and 10% new things we have never tried before.
So here's the details:

(This week I got for $15: 5 tomatoes, 7 apples, 2 large lemons, a handful of rainbow carrots, 2 cucumbers, 3 butternut squash, 1 bundle of kale, 4 ears of corn, 1 seedless watermelon) is the website you need to visit. Once there, create a free membership, choose your location and see when you can order. I can order every 2 weeks on a Tuesday and then I pick up at their location on Saturday morning.
When you go to pick up your items you will need to bring 2 bags. I use my reusable grocery bags. If you purchase their conventional basket you will use your bags but if you purchase their organic basket for an additional $10 it will come in a box itself. I have only received the conventional basket so I can not tell you much about the organic one.
The conventional basket id $15 and the organic one is $25. With your first time purchase you will have to pay an additional $3 so they can purchase baskets to divide your goodies in.
In addition to their conventional basket and organic baskets, they have yummy add-ons! From bread to 20 lbs of pears, it all depends on what they have. Lastly, they ask that you volunteer every 6ish times that you participate.
Check out the website and they can give you more information! My family absolutely loves this program especially since the value is worth what you get! Just to let you know, I got 20lbs of pears for my little one that I will puree and that only cost me $15.50! At our local grocery store, I typically purchase 1 lb for $3.... so pretty much Bountiful Baskets hooked me up!
Have you experience with Bountiful Baskets? What do you think about it?!?


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